Submission Guidelines

We accept submissions of articles, poems, prose, essay, art, or anything else you might like to publish.
We do have a few basic guidelines and principles to be mindful of before sending in a submission:

1. We invite and encourage critical thinking and debate, however writings must be respectful of opinions, gender, race, class, religion, sexuality, etc.
2. Please be mindful of where your information is coming from; hard facts to support an idea will help bring your point across. We do not publish lies. Check your sources!
3. We do not advertise for-profit companies, events, or organizations – but if you are grassroots, not-for-profit, or charity – we would love to feature you in an issue. Although it remains at the discretion of the 4OCW if we publish and support it.
4. The 4 O’Clock Whistle accepts work written under pseudonyms and we will do our best to protect the identities of authors who wish to remain anonymous. Be aware that multiple organizers have access to the e-mail account – so if you want to keep complete anonymity leave your name out of the e-mail.
5. We would love to publish everyone’s piece, we want to publish quality work that shows the writer’s effort, commitment and love in the craft. Please do not submit any works without first editing, revising and giving due scrutiny. However, we do have volunteer editors to catch any missed grammar and stylistic mistakes. If we feel that the piece doesn’t stand up to the scrutiny it should, we will send it back and ask for a revised edition to publish.
6. We accept and encourage anything in both French and English.
7. We accept articles from anyone anywhere. However, we give preference to our locals in the Bay of Islands.
8. All ownership of anything published remains with the original creator. We accept published and unpublished work.
9. And finally, Have fun in the process of creating. We are doing this to give people a free form to engage in discussion and dialogue with the larger community.

To submit work email us at:

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